Wood Wool Board: A Sustainable and Versatile Building Material

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, sustainable building materials are gaining popularity. One such material is wood wool board, a versatile and eco-friendly option that has been used in construction for decades. In this article, we will explore the benefits, applications, and properties of wood wool board in detail.

What is Wood Wool Board?

Wood wool board, also known as excelsior board, is a type of panel made from natural wood fibers. The fibers are obtained by shredding softwood or hardwood logs into thin, long strands, which are then bound together with a cement or mineral binder to form a rigid board. The thickness, density, and size of the board can be adjusted according to the desired application.

Benefits of Wood Wool Board


Wood wool board is an eco-friendly and sustainable building material. It is made from natural wood fibers that are renewable and biodegradable, making it an excellent alternative to synthetic materials. Moreover, the manufacturing process is energy-efficient and produces minimal waste, further reducing its environmental impact.

Fire Resistance

Wood wool board is inherently fire-resistant, thanks to its low thermal conductivity and high density. It has a Class A fire rating, meaning it is highly resistant to fire and will not contribute to its spread.

Acoustic Insulation

Due to its fibrous nature, wood wool board has excellent acoustic insulation properties. It can absorb sound waves and reduce noise levels, making it an ideal material for use in cinemas, recording studios, and other sound-sensitive environments.

Thermal Insulation

Wood wool board also has good thermal insulation properties, helping to keep buildings warm in winter and cool in summer. Its high density and low thermal conductivity make it an effective insulator, reducing energy costs and improving comfort levels.

Applications of Wood Wool Board

Roof Insulation

Wood wool board is often used as an insulation material for flat roofs. It provides excellent thermal insulation and is also resistant to moisture and fire, making it a durable and long-lasting option.

Exterior Cladding

Wood wool board can also be used as an exterior cladding material. It is available in a variety of colors and textures, providing designers with a range of options to choose from. It is also lightweight, easy to install, and low-maintenance, making it a popular choice for commercial and residential buildings.

Interior Wall Panels

Wood wool board is a popular choice for interior wall panels due to its acoustic insulation properties. It can be used to create a soundproof environment in spaces such as cinemas, recording studios, and lecture halls.


Wood wool board is also commonly used for ceiling panels. Its acoustic insulation properties make it an excellent choice for spaces where sound quality is essential, such as auditoriums and concert halls.

Properties of Wood Wool Board


The density of wood wool board typically ranges from 150 to 300 kg/m³, depending on the intended use. The higher the density, the better the insulation and sound absorption properties.

Moisture Resistance

Wood wool board is highly resistant to moisture, thanks to its cement or mineral binder. It can withstand high humidity levels without losing its structural integrity or becoming damaged.


Wood wool board is a highly durable material that can last for decades. It is resistant to pests, rot, and decay, making it a low-maintenance option for buildings.

Fire Resistance

As mentioned earlier, wood wool board has excellent fire-resistant properties. It can withstand high temperatures without contributing to the spread of fire, making it a safe option for buildings.


Wood wool board is a versatile and sustainable building material that offers a range of benefits. Its excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties, combined with its fire and moisture resistance,

make it an ideal choice for a variety of applications, including roofing, cladding, wall panels, and ceilings. Its durability and low-maintenance requirements also make it a cost-effective option for building projects.

Furthermore, wood wool board’s eco-friendly properties make it an attractive choice for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Its natural composition and manufacturing process, which produces minimal waste, make it a sustainable choice for construction projects.

In conclusion, wood wool board is a versatile and sustainable building material that offers a range of benefits. Its excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties, combined with its fire and moisture resistance, make it an ideal choice for a variety of applications. Its eco-friendly properties also make it an attractive option for those looking to reduce their environmental impact. As the world continues to prioritize sustainability, wood wool board is sure to become an even more popular building material in the years to come.


1. Is wood wool board expensive?

Wood wool board is generally an affordable building material, although the cost may vary depending on the thickness, density, and size of the board.

2. Can wood wool board be used for outdoor applications?

Yes, wood wool board can be used for exterior cladding and roofing, as it is resistant to moisture and fire.

3. Is wood wool board easy to install?

Wood wool board is lightweight and easy to install, making it a popular choice for building projects.

4. How does wood wool board compare to other insulation materials?

Wood wool board offers excellent acoustic and thermal insulation properties and is more environmentally friendly than many synthetic insulation materials.

5. Is wood wool board safe for indoor use?

Yes, wood wool board is safe for indoor use and can actually improve indoor air quality by absorbing harmful VOCs.